Annual General Meeting of the Pacific Northwest Golf Association
Both Mike Riste, our Historian, and Barrie McWha, our Executive Director attended the 112th Annual General Meeting of the Pacific Northwest Golf Association at the beautiful and stately Inglewood Golf and Country Club in Seattle April 29 and 30.
Noted Golf Course Architect
Mike gave a presentation Friday to the Women’s Committee meeting talking about A.V. Macan, the noted golf course architect who was responsible for designing courses such as Victoria GC, Royal Colwood, Marine Drive, Shaughnessy G&CC and Inglewood along with many many more throughout the Pacific Northwest and as far south as San Francisco. Macan is the subject of Mr. Riste’s latest book, “Just Call Me Mac” in which he chronicles the life and work of this fascinating architect and accomplished player. The book is available on line through our web site at . All book sales proceeds go to the Golf House roof replacement project.
BC Golf House Update
Barrie addressed the Board of Directors of the PNGA on Friday afternoon providing an update on activities and projects at the BC Golf House. The Evans Caddie Scholarship, the hickory golf program, the addition of two more fundraising tournaments, one in Victoria and one in Kelowna, and the roof replacement program at the Golf House were highlights of the report. The PNGA is a major Patron of the Golf House.
Both Barrie and Mike attended the Hall of Fame banquet Friday evening to see BC golfing icons, Margaret Todd and Doug Roxburgh inducted into the PNGA Hall of Fame. Saturday morning the Annual General Meeting was held followed by an afternoon of golf at Inglewood.