The Junor Clan – Their influence in Oregon Golf

George Junor – An unknown NW Golf Architect.

While researching the Alderwood CC article, Portland newspapers frequently noted George Junor was constructing or designing a new golf course in Oregon or South-west Washington. Preliminary research indicates  he specialized in renovations, additional nine holes for an existing course or new nine hole courses.

William Junor

The William Junor family lived in Aberdeen Scotland. William had six sons – George, John, Donald, Robert, Andy and Hugh. Around 1904 William’s brother notified him that many golfing opportunities for greenskeepers and professionals existed in the Pacific Northwest. George, the eldest son, immediately departed for Portland, OR. He gained employment on the greens crew at Waverley. Soon the entire Junor clan moved to Portland. William became the head greenskeeper at Waverley.   The sons worked on the links crew or in the pro shop.

Robert Junor               George Junor

Research indicates all the sons, except Andrew, worked on the course or in the pro shop for various northwest courses. In particular George worked at Tualatin then moved to Alderwood in 1925. He resigned in Sept 1930 to spend full time as a golf architect and builder  until he retired in the 1940’s.

Andrew Junor                 Hugh Junor

Preliminary research shows George renovated, constructed or designed  the following golf courses in the NW. His probably incomplete record is impressive. In many instances his brother, Donald, supervised the actual construction work. Also frequently  Hugh, Robert, or John assumed the greenskeeping duties for a short time after George and his crew completed the project.

George Junor’s projects

Gearhart reno 1908; Tualatin Portland reno arch/builer 1913 – 1920 working as the greens superintendent; Albany 1922; Marshfield Coos County 1923; Astoria builder 1923; Corvallis 1924; Clark County Vancouver WA arch/builder 1924; The Dalles reno builder 1925; La Grande arch/builder 1926; Oregon City reno builder 1926; Ruby Portland arch/builder 18 holes 1927; Roseburg reno builder 1927; Vernonia arch/builder 1928; Columbia County St Helens arch/builder 1928; Brair Cliff arch/builder 1929; Orhard Hills arch/builder 1930; Wildwood reno builder 1930; Moby Dick SW Washington arch/builder 1930; Torwoodlea Long Beach SW Washington arch/builder 1930; Ocean Park Washington arch/builder 1930; While Salmon Bingen arch/builder 1930; Broadmoor Portland 18 holes arch/builder 1931; Newberg Hirter Park arch/builder 1935; Lake Oswego reno 1946.

John Junor                  Donald Junor

Further research is required to exactly identify what Junor did on each course. If you have any information please contact us at



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